Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vaughan Turns 4 Weeks "Old"

Like most living creatures, Vaughan is putting her mark on the world....160+ diapers (thank goodness they are biodegradable), poop on the walls, spit up on well, anything within 24" of her at the time, but mostly she has put a mark on our hearts.

This week Julian and I were flying solo with Ms. Vaughan and it has been a wonderful experience.

Just a few images from the week.

Day 22

After patiently waiting at the doctor's and getting her chest x rays, Vaughan got a wonderful report. She still looks great and doesn't need to come back to the Cardiologist's until the end of September. AND she is allowed to go to New Orleans and Richmond to visit her friends and family.

Then we celebrated...with a bath...

clean and healthy

Day 23

Well we are having a hard time remembering this day...because I went to Grandma Hillery's and Mom went to work. 

Day 24

a day of rest...

Day 25

after coffee with dad

Vaughan gets ready for grandma's because... it's fantasy draft day

and we must look cute for that...

Day 26

After the excitement from Saturday, Vaughan was wiped.

Day 27

Big day...I figured out how to go to the grocery with an infant...and mom and Vaughan were very happy...

All smiles.

So we did a little facetime with Grandpa Lovette

Day 28

Vaughan is 4 weeks today.

and precious as ever.

at 9lbs and 2 oz  and  4 weeks going on a 12 years , I hope I can count on my sleepless brain to savor these memories forever.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three is the Magic Number

The last week of help and Baby Vaughan turns 3 weeks old!

Day 16

Vaughan sleeps while Mom & Auntie Winds finish putting  the room together

Vaughan' s Pad with draperies...Yay!

Vaughan meets her first west coaster...Charlie

Vaughan gets sassy while Dad's at dinner

Day 17

Vaughan gets cabin fever with Auntie Windz and Mom

Day 18

We sleep in
 Vaughan meets Ting for the first time

and....Mom tries on her jeans and they BUTTON! Hallelujah.

Day 19

Vaughan wants to be in that number....when the SAINTS go marching the Super Bowl.

But first she had to meet Bryggen's approval...
sniff test....


Vaughan becomes a Saints Fan. Who Dat, Who Dat!

Photo with the Dat's before we head to the pre-season game

while Auntie Windz and Vaughan cheer the Saints on from home

Day 20

Vaughan goes to Grandma and Grandpa Hillery's for the first time and meets Grant

Day 21

Vaughan plays and naps at Grandma Hillery's while Mom and Windz go out for a while.

Then Vaughan helps Auntie Windsor celebrate her b-day one month late...

Day 22

Bye Bye Auntie Winds

Thank you for visiting us, Love Vaughan.

Happy 3 weeks old  Vaughan!

You are getting more and more expressive every day. You keep your eyes open for longer periods of time and make the cutest faces. Your Dad's favorite is the fish mouth. It is commonly perceived that you are thinker based on your pensive looks and the way you prop your finger on your cheek.

Although you are growing more expressive you are also just flat growing. You weigh right at 9 lbs and are building up serious arm muscles in all who carry you. You are eating like a champion and do not allow Mom much sleep these days. I think you are secretly getting ready to sprout a few more inches in length as your baby fat moves in .

Your motor skills are developing more and more each day. You can hold your head up for several seconds and you sling your body back  with force when you are tired of being burped.  You kick quite a bit and we hope it is getting you ready for future swim lessons with Grandpa Lovette. You also have a firm grip these days and move with more force.

As you grow your facial features are changing too. Once upon a time it was believed you were going to look a lot like your mom but this week, Mom doesn't think so. You seem to have eyes the shape of your Dad's and a nose like your Grandpa Hillery's. Your mouth is still a mystery but it's wide like your Mom , Dad, Great Grandpa Dawes, and Memaw. Your skin is like your Dad's and changes colors when you are happy and sad to various shades of pink. Your chubby cheeks came from yours truely and don't seem to be going anywhere.
 You are precious to all who see you and we look forward to watching you
grow to be another week old.

Friday, August 19, 2011

We made it two weeks!

Vaughan turned two weeks, well a few days ago. While she has been accomplishing all her goals this week (ie, sleeping,eating, going potty, and looking cute) I have been less on the ball and running a little behind schedule on things like this blog, thank yous, checking phone messages, work questions etc. Thank goodness Vaughan's Grandma, Auntie Windsor, and Aunt Chatham were here to help hold down the fort.

Here's a little recap of Vaughan's second week of life:

Day 9

Vaughan gets up nice and early to leave the house by 6:30 am for her doctor appointment  & Dad takes control since we got no sleep the night before.

Vaughan shows off her long cord and snazzy monitor hook ups from the Cardiologist appointment.

Grandma Lovette gives Vaughan a bath before bed

Day 10

Vaughan shows off her blue eyes like Grandma Lovette

Meanwhile I get to play plumber since I was determined the dishwasher had to be installed today vs. tomorrow

Vaughan adds to the balancing act

Day 11

Vaughan wears her appreciation for Auntie Winds

and does what she does best... looking cute

Even while practicing tummy time

Day 12

Aunt Chatham arrives to wake up Vaughan from a good night's sleep

Dad gets in a little bonding time with his little girl

Since my sisters were all here and my mom, We decided to get a little impromptu photo shoot going...and going...

the girls

the new family

and a solo shot

Day 13

The day the water in the back house went a spewing..... and the margritas started flowing while we spent hours trying to soak up the water and dry the seagrass with fans and hairdryers.

and...The Luysters meet Vaughan

Day 14

Vaughan gets bathed by her 2 aunts...

And feels refreshed.

Day 15
Happy 2 weeks Vaughan!

Vaughan snuggles with Aunt Chatham on her last day

And shows off her pouty lips with Windsor

Vaughan, I am amazed you made it a whole 2 weeks with everything you experienced in the second week. Not only did you survive your mom being shocked and sending sparks flying by the electrical wiring of the old  dishwasher, you also survived a flood in the back house and slept so wonderfully while we ran hairdryers, fans and wet vacs in an attempt to get the water under control. You have been such a patient baby with the house issues and had so much fun visiting your Aunt Chatham and Grandma Lovette that we hope they come back to visit soon despite the home emergencies and 100 degree weather.