Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vaughan Turns 4 Weeks "Old"

Like most living creatures, Vaughan is putting her mark on the world....160+ diapers (thank goodness they are biodegradable), poop on the walls, spit up on well, anything within 24" of her at the time, but mostly she has put a mark on our hearts.

This week Julian and I were flying solo with Ms. Vaughan and it has been a wonderful experience.

Just a few images from the week.

Day 22

After patiently waiting at the doctor's and getting her chest x rays, Vaughan got a wonderful report. She still looks great and doesn't need to come back to the Cardiologist's until the end of September. AND she is allowed to go to New Orleans and Richmond to visit her friends and family.

Then we celebrated...with a bath...

clean and healthy

Day 23

Well we are having a hard time remembering this day...because I went to Grandma Hillery's and Mom went to work. 

Day 24

a day of rest...

Day 25

after coffee with dad

Vaughan gets ready for grandma's because... it's fantasy draft day

and we must look cute for that...

Day 26

After the excitement from Saturday, Vaughan was wiped.

Day 27

Big day...I figured out how to go to the grocery with an infant...and mom and Vaughan were very happy...

All smiles.

So we did a little facetime with Grandpa Lovette

Day 28

Vaughan is 4 weeks today.

and precious as ever.

at 9lbs and 2 oz  and  4 weeks going on a 12 years , I hope I can count on my sleepless brain to savor these memories forever.

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