Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Alive!

This week Vaughan turned 5 weeks old and we had quite a fun filled week....


Vaughan pinky waved...


Libba came to visit and brought Vaughan her first monogram

That night....
Julian and Ms. Vaughan bonded over "Rain Rain Go Away"

fitting because...


We left for New Orleans where Lee was stirring and dumping lots of rain...
 but good news. 

We made it and Vaughan met her great grandma Hubby and great grandpa Dawesy


 We celebrated Dawesy's 74th birthday!

Vaughan got to meet your great aunt Mamie & Gigi

and cousins.... Isabel, Hillery, Vivian, and of course we know Uncle Willy


Sebastian came by to meet Vaughan and learn a new word... "baby"

Joey, Allison, and Landon came by to say hello

After goodbyes and a few hours of driving Vaughan was a bit fussy

so we gave her a big girl bath and she calmed right down.
We could have a water child on our hands.


Happy 5 weeks Vaughan! 
You survived tropical storm Lee 
and you got your first international package in the mail...

a Kimono from Julian's friends in Japan.

What a great week it has been. Vaughan met so many friends and family and was a good road tripper. We survived Lee and now we look forward to next week's adventures... hopefully lots of  Zzz and dreams.

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