Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thank Heavens for Seven

This week has been a bit long as the lack of sleep is finally catching up with me. But thank goodness, Vaughan gave us our first 6 hour span of sleeping at night this week. It was like a miracle. Now to work on getting a few more of those.


Vaughan spends her first full day at Grandma Hillery's 
Loaded up and ready to go 

After playing with Grandma and Mom, Vaughan gets in some bonding time with Dad


This is play group day but mom was bad and didn't take any photos from the group but Vaughan's outfit was quite cute...

pay no attention to the furrowed brow...she was happy later.


Mom decides to take advantage of the morning and take Vaughan and Beasty on a run... or a "try to run".

Then Jen came by with lunch and goodies for Ms. Vaughan.

Poor Jen... Mom realized she might be sick and took her temp... Yep! First fever in over 7 years. Not a good start to the weekend.

AKA...Dad watching the Babe day.

Dad did a great job with "the babe" while mom laid on the other sofa to rest up....Oh and IT RAINED!


Sunday Fun Day with the Saints!
Me and my crew...

Uncle Willy and his cap...

had just settled down to watch the game

and Grandpa Hillery came to join the party 

  and Mom taught Vaughan some Saints cheers.


Not too sure what all went on this day... maybe a little Zzzz.

Happy 7 Weeks Vaughan!

You were lookin' so cute... then you spit up.

so we stripped you down to your birthday suit, but later gave in..

And put you in a onsie.

This week,  Well I think it's safe to say Mom is hitting an exhausted wall. No one ever really tells you the truth about being a mom when they want you to have a baby. But let's be honest. It's exhausting & trying. We love the baby,  but man ole man, we no longer wish for fabulous trips to foreign countries but for one fabulous night of sleep. Even if its on the floor or sofa in your own house, That's what this mom is dreaming of...

Meanwhile , Chickadee Vaughan is getting older and more alert. She is making more noises of her own, follows your gaze and objects for that matter, swings her arms, pulls out your hair, and her cry has gotten a note higher and louder. She is so sweet and makes us very happy when she acts so.

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