Sunday, November 27, 2011

16 weeks

The week before Thanksgiving... my how the holiday season comes as you like a fast ball... and with the holiday season comes more "to-dos" mostly fun to- dos but a few serious ones as well.

Julian's to- do list at work has gotten longer to his wishes but it means he's not catching as much of Vaughan so we try to stay awake so he can sneak in a little time each day.

A fun filled day of baby also means sometimes things on the to- do list don't get done such as taking photos.
This day was playgroup day which is always so fun followed by pizza ...mmm.

Vaughan's days begin and end on this play mat. Thank you Sebby for letting us borrow it!

This is a special day too because Vaughan got her first photos taken. As you might can tell from the photo, this was not her happiest of mornings....isn't that the way things are supposed to happen for photo days?

Our friends came to meet Vaughan and celebrate Lesley's new initials... PhD.

I got inspired by Vaughan's photo shoot and wanted to try to get a few pictures in the blue since she was a bit too fussy to try switching into multiple outfits on Friday.

Football & Packing

all need a little R&R so Vaughan and I slept in.

who can resist snuggling with this little angel?

All about Tuesday.

Can't wait to see my extended family and meet my great aunts!


After a long day we arrive in Richmond and Vaughan turns 16 weeks!

So many things to celebrate this thanksgiving.

15 weeks

This week was very much a standard week in the Hillery household.


Dad comes home from work and spends a little time with Vaughan while mom cooks dinner.

 (aka whole foods pizza day)
is quickly becoming my favorite day for many reasons. 
Vaughan is now waking up a bit earlier in the morning so I try to make Thursdays - Vaughan Day.

The day starts with a little play time before I get ready for work.

Then after a few hours of work I get to pick up this cute thing for playgroup.
unfortunately Baby slept through this one but  got a cute photo when she woke up.
she's sad to have missed her friends today.

and then as mentioned before the days ends in a treatof pizza and baby time.

Can't say Fridays are happening times anymore. They still represent the end of the work week but the beginning of parenting weekend.
Temperatures started to cool off into the low 70s so I got excited and put baby in her "winter" clothing.

"chillin, chillin mindin my buisness....."

what are we going to do with the youngsters these days... showing their belly like it's no big deal.

is errand day for mom and father daughter bonding day for Julian and Vaughan.

Dad teaches Vaughan about sports and reads about the stock market.

And mom works on her to do list posts and pen pal letters.

Sunday morning Julian and Vaughan Facetime with the Lovette side.

Mom took a day off in preparation for Tuesday's trip to Nola.

Mom checked on Vaughan's Hillery grandparents future residence to see how things were coming along and returned to a hungry little one. 

Happy 15 weeks Vaughan.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

3 months going on 14 weeks

This week Vaughan turned 3 months( for real) and here's a sneak peak of her week:


3 months going on 3 years... Vaughan enjoys her pigeon book and has discovered her tongue... sticking it out whenever she can.


Vaughan, Beasty, and Dad catch up on each other's week


Vaughan chills in her chair and joins Mom and Dad in some good conversation.

Little miss riding hood throws a little fit after being so good on her run.
Then we go to Grandma's house to watch the LSU v. Alabama game.


Vaughan slept thru the game but celebrated in Saints fashion.

 Vaughan shows us how well she holds her toys

And Daddy does some reading with Vaughan while practicing tummy time.

Vaughan gets ready for her morning walk with Shamerah

And later in the night crashes

while face timing with Grandma Lovette

Happy 14 weeks Vaughan you are getting so good with your hand skills and increasing your noise vocabulary. It seems like you are growing so fast these days! 

13 weeks and Halloween

 This week was a big week. Vaughan and I flew back to Houston, celebrated Halloween, and Mommy started back to work. Here's a little day by day replay of Vaughan's 12th week going on 13.

Vaughan meets Ness 

Goodbye Grandparents, I am sad to leave.

Vaughan rules the row on the flight

 and later takes a snooze...gearing up to see daddy.

Back in Houston, time for Mexican.

Thursday is for playgroup!
Vaughan rolls and kicks

while Fisher shows off his sitting skills.

later, Mom catches a smirk

Dad bathes baby and gets in a little snuggle time

Mom and Dad go to a Halloween party as...
 Mac and PC

Vaughan cheered on the Saints despite the loss...


Vaughan's first Halloween!

Vaughan gets on her festive wear to go to the street party

Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for trick or treating until she slept through. Luckily we got her up for a few minutes to put on her costume.

not so happy to be a pumpkin...

starting to get used to the idea...

and now just darn cute.

Happy 13 weeks Vaughan.

Today mom started back to work full time and noticably, she's lost some brain cells  because she put you in your 3 month attire and well, you weren't three months for 1 more day.
but here's a photo anyway.

Happy 13 weeks baby Vaughan!

You are getting better control of your head muscles and batting at toys and thanks to tummy time practice getting better at rolling around. You make wonderful noises and babble in your crib. I think you weigh nearly 13 pounds and look like such a real person these days.