Julian's to- do list at work has gotten longer to his wishes but it means he's not catching as much of Vaughan so we try to stay awake so he can sneak in a little time each day.
A fun filled day of baby also means sometimes things on the to- do list don't get done such as taking photos.
This day was playgroup day which is always so fun followed by pizza ...mmm.
Vaughan's days begin and end on this play mat. Thank you Sebby for letting us borrow it!
This is a special day too because Vaughan got her first photos taken. As you might can tell from the photo, this was not her happiest of mornings....isn't that the way things are supposed to happen for photo days?
Our friends came to meet Vaughan and celebrate Lesley's new initials... PhD.
I got inspired by Vaughan's photo shoot and wanted to try to get a few pictures in the blue since she was a bit too fussy to try switching into multiple outfits on Friday.
Football & Packing
all need a little R&R so Vaughan and I slept in.
who can resist snuggling with this little angel?
All about Tuesday.
Can't wait to see my extended family and meet my great aunts!
After a long day we arrive in Richmond and Vaughan turns 16 weeks!
So many things to celebrate this thanksgiving.