Saturday, November 12, 2011

3 months going on 14 weeks

This week Vaughan turned 3 months( for real) and here's a sneak peak of her week:


3 months going on 3 years... Vaughan enjoys her pigeon book and has discovered her tongue... sticking it out whenever she can.


Vaughan, Beasty, and Dad catch up on each other's week


Vaughan chills in her chair and joins Mom and Dad in some good conversation.

Little miss riding hood throws a little fit after being so good on her run.
Then we go to Grandma's house to watch the LSU v. Alabama game.


Vaughan slept thru the game but celebrated in Saints fashion.

 Vaughan shows us how well she holds her toys

And Daddy does some reading with Vaughan while practicing tummy time.

Vaughan gets ready for her morning walk with Shamerah

And later in the night crashes

while face timing with Grandma Lovette

Happy 14 weeks Vaughan you are getting so good with your hand skills and increasing your noise vocabulary. It seems like you are growing so fast these days! 

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