Saturday, December 10, 2011


This week we spent a few days in Richmond visiting friends and family that we sadly don't get to see as much as we'd like and celebrate all the things we have to be thankful for this year.


Great Grandma came to town with Great Aunt Tricia.

While Dad went downtown to visit Mike and Grandpa went to the office, the girl stayed quite content catching up at home.

Vaughan gets a special treat from Great Grandma Bailey

a BoBo monkey just like her mom, grandma and aunts had when they were little.

Vaughan hugged and kissed BoBo our hearts just melted it was so cute!

This is also the day Great Grandma Bailey got a computer from her girls. Grandma's gone WiFi! We are so excited.

Great Grandma's on the computer, Grandpa's cooking the Turkey and Dad's playing with Velvet while talking to Grandpa.

Then Jodi comes by to bring Vaughan her first Tutu outfit... in Wahoo colors no less!

and Vaughan keeps Grandpa company while waiting for the 24lb turkey to cook.

 This was such a great Thanksgiving, starting with breakfast at the old Ukrops with Friends and newest member Remy!


Great Great Aunt Ann came to visit....

and we had ourselves a feast.

even Vaughan looked like she was suffering from some Itis.

That night Auntie Winds gave Vaughan a very special book....

teaching her all about the Cavaliers.

We woke up to a photo shoot...
John came by to visit Great Grandma

Vaughan, Julian and I went to watch the Tigers with the Spillers

UVA vs. Virginia Tech
and not only were we outnumbered we were outscored. But on the flip side, we had great company despite who everyone pulled for.

And Vaughan got to meet Lacy

What a wonderful....

Sunday we boarded the plane and headed back to Houston to find a little cold weather!


Back to business as usual today. 

Monday morning brain fog

Vaughan is 17 weeks! ahh. They are starting to run together now. Lack of sleep is catching up with us all.

It is freezing in Houston people! 50 degrees is not what I think of when I think of Texas. Brr.
After going out in this cold Vaughan has to dress like a polar bear to ward off the freezing temps.

Our little bear is very alert these days watching people, loving TV ( oops!) , and grabbing everything in site. If it smells like mommy, it goes in the mouth. That's right, she loves my clothing, hair, nose,etc. all in her mouth.
Happy 17 weeks sweet thing! 

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