Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three is the Magic Number

The last week of help and Baby Vaughan turns 3 weeks old!

Day 16

Vaughan sleeps while Mom & Auntie Winds finish putting  the room together

Vaughan' s Pad with draperies...Yay!

Vaughan meets her first west coaster...Charlie

Vaughan gets sassy while Dad's at dinner

Day 17

Vaughan gets cabin fever with Auntie Windz and Mom

Day 18

We sleep in
 Vaughan meets Ting for the first time

and....Mom tries on her jeans and they BUTTON! Hallelujah.

Day 19

Vaughan wants to be in that number....when the SAINTS go marching in...to the Super Bowl.

But first she had to meet Bryggen's approval...
sniff test....


Vaughan becomes a Saints Fan. Who Dat, Who Dat!

Photo with the Dat's before we head to the pre-season game

while Auntie Windz and Vaughan cheer the Saints on from home

Day 20

Vaughan goes to Grandma and Grandpa Hillery's for the first time and meets Grant

Day 21

Vaughan plays and naps at Grandma Hillery's while Mom and Windz go out for a while.

Then Vaughan helps Auntie Windsor celebrate her b-day one month late...

Day 22

Bye Bye Auntie Winds

Thank you for visiting us, Love Vaughan.

Happy 3 weeks old  Vaughan!

You are getting more and more expressive every day. You keep your eyes open for longer periods of time and make the cutest faces. Your Dad's favorite is the fish mouth. It is commonly perceived that you are thinker based on your pensive looks and the way you prop your finger on your cheek.

Although you are growing more expressive you are also just flat growing. You weigh right at 9 lbs and are building up serious arm muscles in all who carry you. You are eating like a champion and do not allow Mom much sleep these days. I think you are secretly getting ready to sprout a few more inches in length as your baby fat moves in .

Your motor skills are developing more and more each day. You can hold your head up for several seconds and you sling your body back  with force when you are tired of being burped.  You kick quite a bit and we hope it is getting you ready for future swim lessons with Grandpa Lovette. You also have a firm grip these days and move with more force.

As you grow your facial features are changing too. Once upon a time it was believed you were going to look a lot like your mom but this week, Mom doesn't think so. You seem to have eyes the shape of your Dad's and a nose like your Grandpa Hillery's. Your mouth is still a mystery but it's wide like your Mom , Dad, Great Grandpa Dawes, and Memaw. Your skin is like your Dad's and changes colors when you are happy and sad to various shades of pink. Your chubby cheeks came from yours truely and don't seem to be going anywhere.
 You are precious to all who see you and we look forward to watching you
grow to be another week old.

1 comment:

deb lovette said...

Awww.....I sure do miss her! Your blog is so wonderful and is greatly appreciated by those of us who live so far away. Can't wait until your next one.