Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thank Heavens for Seven

This week has been a bit long as the lack of sleep is finally catching up with me. But thank goodness, Vaughan gave us our first 6 hour span of sleeping at night this week. It was like a miracle. Now to work on getting a few more of those.


Vaughan spends her first full day at Grandma Hillery's 
Loaded up and ready to go 

After playing with Grandma and Mom, Vaughan gets in some bonding time with Dad


This is play group day but mom was bad and didn't take any photos from the group but Vaughan's outfit was quite cute...

pay no attention to the furrowed brow...she was happy later.


Mom decides to take advantage of the morning and take Vaughan and Beasty on a run... or a "try to run".

Then Jen came by with lunch and goodies for Ms. Vaughan.

Poor Jen... Mom realized she might be sick and took her temp... Yep! First fever in over 7 years. Not a good start to the weekend.

AKA...Dad watching the Babe day.

Dad did a great job with "the babe" while mom laid on the other sofa to rest up....Oh and IT RAINED!


Sunday Fun Day with the Saints!
Me and my crew...

Uncle Willy and his cap...

had just settled down to watch the game

and Grandpa Hillery came to join the party 

  and Mom taught Vaughan some Saints cheers.


Not too sure what all went on this day... maybe a little Zzzz.

Happy 7 Weeks Vaughan!

You were lookin' so cute... then you spit up.

so we stripped you down to your birthday suit, but later gave in..

And put you in a onsie.

This week,  Well I think it's safe to say Mom is hitting an exhausted wall. No one ever really tells you the truth about being a mom when they want you to have a baby. But let's be honest. It's exhausting & trying. We love the baby,  but man ole man, we no longer wish for fabulous trips to foreign countries but for one fabulous night of sleep. Even if its on the floor or sofa in your own house, That's what this mom is dreaming of...

Meanwhile , Chickadee Vaughan is getting older and more alert. She is making more noises of her own, follows your gaze and objects for that matter, swings her arms, pulls out your hair, and her cry has gotten a note higher and louder. She is so sweet and makes us very happy when she acts so.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Six weeks!

What a wonderful 6 weeks it has been!


Vaughan resembled a little pea while mom worked on her blog and got ready for a BIG Thursday


The day started out quick with a meeting with contractors followed by 

Vaughan's first play group... how lucky she was to be the only girl this week.

Then we rushed to pick up .....

Grandma Lovette who just flew into town to celebrate her birthday early with Vaughan and help mom while dad went to Greenbay for the NFL season openner.

Not to worry Dad, Vaughan was with you in spirit.
Go Saints! Look at the last drive... go Saints go!


While the saints didn't win, They made a valient effort for the last drive with 2 minutes left in the game so we kept our saints spirit alive and wore our saints gear all day.

First stop, the pound. We took Grandma Lovette to meet some poodles since she is missing Aspen and Brady so much she thinks she needs another dog.

Then big outing for MOM....

 We went to the Galleria where mom bought regular adult clothes and ate gelato too!
Then you were so good we took you out to eat for mexican at Sylvias.

Thank you Ms. Vaughan for giving mom a fun day with Grandma!


We got off to a slow start and missed Vaughan's friend Elliot's birthday party :(

Grandma Hillery came over for a visit so you got to see both your grandmas.
Then a very scarey thing happened... mom interviewed your first potential nanny.


You said goodbye to Grandma Lovette as she left for her plane but eagerly awaited for Dad to get back from his trip.  Fortunately, Dad had a great time watching the Saints, going to the Murphy's lake house and catching a Brewers game , but sad for Dad, he didn't get to catch up on his sleep 

So after dad took a shower, you both settled down for a little snooze watching Sunday football.

and mom noticed you are outgrowing your newborn clothes... such a long baby.


Dad headed off to work and well, mom did what mom does best...
stick a camera in your face.

But look how big and alert you are getting!
morning stretches...
 and a happy smile

Mom is particularly fond of you in your white onsie with ruffles

Vaughan was still so alert so we tried out a new toy...

 First she cried

Then she laughed and played

But after a long morning, she found a way to sleep

Happy 6 weeks Ms. Vaughan!

In honor of your birthday, we dressed you in your mom's favorite color and brought out the toys...

But, you found other ways to occupy your time.

.At six weeks you are staying awake and getting more expressive. Your fussy times are starting about 5:30pm until you ultimately go down for the night. Sadly this can be anywhere between 9:30 and midnight leaving your dad to wonder what happened to his little angel. However when you smile or are peacefully sleeping, it seems to give us such joy. 

A true testament to how special you are...even Beast loves you . She lays next to you on the floor or in your room while you are sleeping and eating.  She sneaks kisses to your head when she can. Bryggen does all this  despite her attention deprivation, disruption of peaceful sleeps during the day and night, and lack of runs and walks during the week, so you must be special.

While I wouldn't consider myself someone who could do what your Auntie Windz does , I do find great joys in time spent with you. 2 weeks ago I was ready to run to work and have someone keep you. Now, I find myself mulling over my love for you and for what I do. As a wonderful friend once told me when she had her first, " I want it all". That's how I feel too.Unfortunately, fact of life number 1:You can't do it all. So how do you balance everything and what's the right mix? We are working on it... who knows if we ever get it just right but we're doing our best and hopefully all works out just right.

Happy 6 weeks little one.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

5 Alive!

This week Vaughan turned 5 weeks old and we had quite a fun filled week....


Vaughan pinky waved...


Libba came to visit and brought Vaughan her first monogram

That night....
Julian and Ms. Vaughan bonded over "Rain Rain Go Away"

fitting because...


We left for New Orleans where Lee was stirring and dumping lots of rain...
 but good news. 

We made it and Vaughan met her great grandma Hubby and great grandpa Dawesy


 We celebrated Dawesy's 74th birthday!

Vaughan got to meet your great aunt Mamie & Gigi

and cousins.... Isabel, Hillery, Vivian, and of course we know Uncle Willy


Sebastian came by to meet Vaughan and learn a new word... "baby"

Joey, Allison, and Landon came by to say hello

After goodbyes and a few hours of driving Vaughan was a bit fussy

so we gave her a big girl bath and she calmed right down.
We could have a water child on our hands.


Happy 5 weeks Vaughan! 
You survived tropical storm Lee 
and you got your first international package in the mail...

a Kimono from Julian's friends in Japan.

What a great week it has been. Vaughan met so many friends and family and was a good road tripper. We survived Lee and now we look forward to next week's adventures... hopefully lots of  Zzz and dreams.