Monday, October 17, 2011


Vaughan went to Grandmas's and Mom worked so we were delinquent on photos...

After a solid play date, Vaughan still has smiles to share
and she still fits in one of our favorite outfits!

This was a long and rocky week juggling teaching the new nanny a few tricks and juggling a full plate at work. Vaughan agreed with mommy,


Girls weekend! Dad left for the Saints game in Tampa so it's just the 3 girls... Mom, Bryggen, and Vaughan

girls just wanna have fun!

a rare shot of Vaughan on her tummy and not screaming...


 After a nice morning snooze..

Vaughan pondered 

and said...

Let's take this outside... silly head!

Where's my piggy?

There she is!
As if playing with "Beasty" and Piggy  was not enough, Vaughan decided to cheer on her team...

at Grandma and Grandpa Hillery's house. Go Saints!
(Hopefully Sean will stay out of the line of fire next time so he can coach from the sidelines and not the locker room...)

It's time to get ready for our trip and Halloween!
lamenting our lack of newborn photos....

loving mom's favorite fabric

channeling her inner present here

looking bored...

ah, Halloween, that's why we started this shoot in the first place.
Presenting Vaughan...the lady bug

Happy 11 weeks Miss Vaughan. We are so happy to have you. This was our last week together before we head off to Richmond and then Mommy goes back to work.

  It has been such a pleasure getting to know you.  You have such a happy disposition.You smile so much especially in the morning. The play gym entertains you for what can seem like forever.  You are mesmerized by the butterfly and the mirror and enjoy batting and talking to them. You love looking at my face and being outside. You especially love bathtime and kicking your legs. You like when Daddy reads to you. We think you know Mommy can't sing because when I read you Its Raining, It's Pouring via song, you scream.While you don't love napping unless you are being held we are working on developing a bond with you and your crib.  We continue to work on your hatred of tummy time as you can stand it almost 5 minutes now.

You have the most amazing chubby cheeks your Dad and I have ever seen. We want to gobble them up. You also make the most amazing Elvis mouth that makes your mom so happy . Dad loves your fish face and pouty lip and says you get it from me. The latter, I have yet to see.

We always speculate about the future but, I think you are going to built like your Daddy with a long torso and shorter legs with a round head like your mommy. You like looking at pictures vs. words like yours truly. You provide us with so much fun guessing about your thoughts based on your facial expressions. You make us young, like 12 years old as we have gotten in touch with our youthful side again. Dad even picked up tater tots from the grocery. (While you don't eat them now, you will one day all too soon) 

We love you Vaughan. Happy 11 weeks of life.

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