Thursday, October 13, 2011

Nine and mine

I have been very delinquent on postings lately. Here is the quick version of Vaughan's ninth week of life.


Vaughan is starting to go into the where's my toes position

And getting bigger ... not too long before this chair will be a bit small

A sneak peak of her crib interior


Vaughan gives Julian the " What are you talking about Willis" face


Vaughan puts on her 6month jammies! ohh she's growing so quickly!

Uncle Willy spends some time with Vaughan before bedtime

Mom went roundtoppin....
and was VERY good and didn't buy anything for the house.

Saints day but more imprtantly...

Vaughan's 2 month birthday!

We wore butterfly jammies in honor of her great great grandma Sara Vaughan for this day.


Vaughan shows off her blue eyes

And how she can snooze about anywhere

Happy nine weeks Vaughan!

Grandpa Hillery babysat you all by himself and you all had such fun together!

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