Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby's First Christmas

We were so busy with the hustle and bustle of the holiday's we forgot to steal a photo. This day we went to dinner at the club to greet Aunt Bebe a welcome home for the holidays

After work, Mom and Dad start getting ready for Christmas Eve dinner. This means cooking our first ham...yumm.


Christmas Eve after Mass...
just before bed, Vaughan said goodnight to all... in hopes of a special visitor this night.

'Twas the night before Christmas...

Merry Christmas Baby Vaughan!
And.. mommy.. We both slept in then called the Lovette clan to wish them a happy Christmas.
 Then we went to see the Hillery clan ...
back home to shower...
Back to Grandma and Grandpa Hillery's for a wonderful day of food and family.
It was indeed a merry Christmas for all.

It's game day...da nun na nuh

Gone to the Hillery's to watch the Saints

 and girl talk...

 Mom and Dad go into work but come home to a hungry 22 week old...

What a merry 22nd week it was! 

21 weeks

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas...

I am a ...material girl!

Check out aunt Bebe over my shoulder...


practicing sitting up before Barb arrives...
showing off her new face.... the beginning of teething?

Well, good morning!

Vaughan joins the Christmas pajama party


bonding with Dad


I am so cute...

I like my fingers more than I should
Look at my fat feet. They look like my Mom's when she was prego!

 Mornings with Dad are my favorite!
Being 21 weeks is a big deal! Look who came to share it with me...
Great Grandma Buerhle

Happy 21st week birthday Vaughan. You are getting so much personality and loving your fingers... I think we have a strong relationship with the orthodontist brewing. We are enjoying all the magic you bring to the holidays.

20 weeks

So the holidays were quite bustling, and I am a bit delinquent in the blog progress. But here's the latest on week 20.

chubby and rosy cheeks make this baby delicious.

Playgroup... everyone is getting so big!

Vaughan goes in for her 4 month check up... looking healthy and being sassy as the doctor just said she is in the 65th percentile across the board. ...little does she know shots are coming in a few minutes....sticking her tongue out at her mom, never a good idea.


Bathtime followed by...
baby's first solids! rice cereal.

Vaughan chats with Santa for the first time
And bonds with cousin Eugenie

The tree is up and so we let baby play in the lights.

Look what I woke up to find this morning.

Happy 20 weeks Vaughan. This was a big week for you. Trying solids for the first time and meeting Santa.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

18 weeks, 4 months, and a Christening

After the hub bub of Thanksgiving, thing are not winding down, Vaughan has started waking up around 1am and 5am hungry. I think she's just going through a growth phase, a short growth phase I hope.


Dad got a little floor exercise in with Vaughan to stretch before her trip tomorrow.

Playgroup is starting to get more active.Here's a little peak of the excitement.

After playgroup Vaughan got in a little Mom Daughter play time before it was time to hit I-10.


Happy 4 month birthday baby Vaughan!

We made it to Hotel Hubby in good time Thursday night but all the sleeping in the car made for little sleeping at night.  Friday afternoon mom had to check on progress at Audubon but then everyone gathered together for a little College Inn.


The big event, Vaughan's christening. Hubby was able to arrange for a private christening at Holy Name with Father Shot who was the principle of Jesuit when Gramps Hillery was there.
Aunt Bebe and Joey were the godparents.
Hubs helps get Vaughan ready
A little behind the scenes action

And Vaughan is ready to go

Let the ceremony begin!

Vaughan was a very good sport , a little crying but who wouldn't be intimidated by the crowd and cold water?

Bye Bye Holy Name

Hello Party

Of course, What day in Nola would be complete without a little game of Hearts with Dawes?

We spent a little time with Hubs and Dawes before hitting the road again.

And then Vaughan was in her seat again, just like that.

She got a little tired of this seat as you might imagine, so when we got home we put her on her mat to stretch out and she instantly went to this postition. It made us laugh watching her.

All is back to norm.

Brrr.. its cold again so we bundled up the princess in her best polar bear gear

Happy 19 weeks of life little polar bear.