Sunday, January 15, 2012

20 weeks

So the holidays were quite bustling, and I am a bit delinquent in the blog progress. But here's the latest on week 20.

chubby and rosy cheeks make this baby delicious.

Playgroup... everyone is getting so big!

Vaughan goes in for her 4 month check up... looking healthy and being sassy as the doctor just said she is in the 65th percentile across the board. ...little does she know shots are coming in a few minutes....sticking her tongue out at her mom, never a good idea.


Bathtime followed by...
baby's first solids! rice cereal.

Vaughan chats with Santa for the first time
And bonds with cousin Eugenie

The tree is up and so we let baby play in the lights.

Look what I woke up to find this morning.

Happy 20 weeks Vaughan. This was a big week for you. Trying solids for the first time and meeting Santa.

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