Sunday, January 15, 2012

Baby's First Christmas

We were so busy with the hustle and bustle of the holiday's we forgot to steal a photo. This day we went to dinner at the club to greet Aunt Bebe a welcome home for the holidays

After work, Mom and Dad start getting ready for Christmas Eve dinner. This means cooking our first ham...yumm.


Christmas Eve after Mass...
just before bed, Vaughan said goodnight to all... in hopes of a special visitor this night.

'Twas the night before Christmas...

Merry Christmas Baby Vaughan!
And.. mommy.. We both slept in then called the Lovette clan to wish them a happy Christmas.
 Then we went to see the Hillery clan ...
back home to shower...
Back to Grandma and Grandpa Hillery's for a wonderful day of food and family.
It was indeed a merry Christmas for all.

It's game day...da nun na nuh

Gone to the Hillery's to watch the Saints

 and girl talk...

 Mom and Dad go into work but come home to a hungry 22 week old...

What a merry 22nd week it was! 

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