Sunday, October 2, 2011

It is so great to be eight ( weeks old that is)


Vaughan tried to punch the camera away while I tried to snap photos before she went to Grandma's.

Playgroup was at our house..

Vaughan practiced her rolling over skills before her friends came

But when they left she was ready for her nap.


Vaughan went to Cyclones to meet her friend Grant. I forgot to take my camera but caught Vaughan catching some Zzz in her crib after her Mexican lunch

As if Mexican for lunch wasn't enough, Dad and Vaughan and I went to Sylvias where Dad almost died choking on fajitas...

We were delinquents. I cooked for Sunday and Elliot came over to teach Vaughan all about crawling and walking as a one year old. Unfortunately, no photos to show for it:(

We celebrated Grandma Hillery's belated birthday over a nice game of Saints football.

Happy Belated B-day!

Father - Daughter bonding

Vaughan and the boys help get Uncle Willy ready for Dance Club


Vaughan was sporting 6 month jammies so we had to take a photo to prove it

 Her body is long but her arms, not as much.


Vaughan and Dad have a staring contest


Happy 8 weeks Vaughan!

You are almost 2 months old, staring at the world, batting at things hanging on the floor mat, and making all kinds of great friends.  Your dad and I are enjoying you and watching you grow. You have officially out lengthed new born clothing and are venturing into 3 month gear. Ms. Vaughan you are growing like a weed and developing like an exquisite flower.

1 comment:

deb lovette said...

I miss my baby granddaughter!